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Leak Repairs

$1995.00 (incl. GST)
$499 (incl. GST)
$2950 (incl. GST)
$235.75 (incl. GST)
$172.50 (incl. GST)


DON’T start cutting concrete, opening walls or excavating trenches. You can save yourself lots of cash by perfectly pin-pointing a leak prior commencing any repair.

Euro Plumbing can help with the following leak detection services:

Acoustic and Sound leak detection and tracing

The principle of acoustic leak detection

Water which leaks from pipes that are under pressure (underground or in walls), causes friction which in turn creates noise, this can be picked up
in the form of sound waves. The pipes themselves start to oscillate.
The sound that is generated by these oscillations and friction, is
transmitted through the pipes and can be transformed into audible sound with a body sound microphone at a distant contact point (e.g. valve, hydrant, water meter etc.).
In addition the water leaking out through the crack or hole in the pipe, generates sound which is carried through the ground to the surface.

This sound can be picked up by a ground microphone and transformed into audible sound. The microphone from the LD6000 picks up these sounds and displays them on the controller. The noise can also be heard using the headphones.

View the following video for more information on Leak detection watch the Trotec LD6000 in action.

LD6000 accessories


The BMW heavy/duty wind protected ground microphone plugs into the LD6000 controller and provides the user with a more sensitive large field microphone for the acoustic leak detection. It is also suitable for use in large open and wind exposed areas where the Nosie from the wind can interfere with standard microphones.

It features a dead man switch that allows the plumber to automatically switch to the next filter without using the controller.

This makes identifying the source of an underground leak so much easier and faster.


The LD6000 can be used for detecting leaks together with the optionally available LD6000 H2 hydrogen sensor and the formation of gas type 95/5, which comprises 95% nitrogen and 5% hydrogen. Forming gas 95/5 is neither toxic nor flammable. This means that it can be considered harmless and even used in sensitive environments. The LD6000 has a function in the controller to be used with the H2 sensor.

In addition to the compact hand sensor there is also a ground sensor with an integrated suction pump available which allows you to detect even the smallest concentrations of trace gas.


The pulse wave generator generates a periodically recurring pressure wave which, under favourable conditions, can spread out over a distance of 600m. It can be picked up acoustically from the pipe using the LD6000 along with the connected microphone.
The LD6000 is equipped with a special pulse mode which allows the volume and the frequency of the pulse to be displayed as optimally as possible. And which is also why non-metallic water pipes up to a depth of 2 metres can be detected quickly and accurately without having to block off or take the pipe out of service first. This means that this method can be used to compile, complete or check plans and pipe layouts or networks.


Specialist tools and technology can save you money and time in determining whether you have a leak and if you do by pin pointing the exact location. Once the leak location has been determined Euro Plumbing can be employed to fix the leak. For more information on our Leak repair service methods please call us on 0800 TEAM EURO or email on

watermain_underground_installation gas_leak_detection leak_detection_pulse noise_leak_detection


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    *In peak times quotes can take up to 2 hours, larger quotes are subject to free site visits, you will be advised on progress by email.

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