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$149.00 (incl. GST)

European Style Central Heating Solutions In Auckland

central_heating_controller With this method, as the name “Central Heating” implies, there is one central heating source such as a boiler or heatpump, which su pplies heat to the entire house and this can include domestic hot water supply. The system is designed to maintain an even temperature though out the building or home. This is the ultimate heating method as cost to supply and install such a system is almost equivalent to conventional systems with the difference that (gas or heatpump) powered central heating systems are more reliable, cheaper to run and healthier for the whole family.

Euro Plumbing specialise in hydronic central heating which is different to heatpump technology or heatpump central heating. Why go with HYDRONIC CENTRAL HEATING? Download the following document and learn why hydronic heating is more desirable than heatpump heating.


Cenpdf_downloadtral Heating usually refers to a system where a central heat source provides the required heat, which is then transferred by suitable medium to the areas where the heat is required. The most common mediums used for heat transfer are air and water.

Deciding which heat source it suitable will fully depend on your circumstances and requirements. Euro Plumbing can assist you with the decision on selecting the correct heat source for your applications. Heat Sources can consist of the following:

  • Gas Heaters (condensing or non-condensing system boilers) come in variety of designs, for example flued, unflued starting at 18KW up to 150 KW. Combination boilers can also heat your traditional domestic water supply and can be to %150 efficient! For more information on combination system boilers please VISIT THIS PAGE
  • Heatpumps (hydronic designs) can be installed as either a localised heat source or whole home ducted system as required. Heat pump hot water systems are used for central heating and domestic hot water supply. Euro Plumbing specialise in HYDRONIC water heating heatpump systems. For more information on hydronic heatpumps please VISIT THIS PAGE
  • Oil and or oil/Diesel mixes are popular in rural areas and can be used for centralised space and domestic hot water supply
  • Open Fires (wetbacks) for more information on wetback heating and combination central heating systems VISIT THIS PAGE


In New Zealand the following Central Heating systems can be designed and installed depending on requirement.

  • An open system, where the system is vented to open atmosphere, and supplied with make-up water from a feed and expansion tank
  • 一个 closed system, where the system is not open vented but deals with expansion by means of an air bladder expansion tank, and over pressure by means of a relief valve. Make-up water is supplied via an appropriate pressure reducing valve, and backflow protection is required if a permanent connection is made.
  • 一个 gravity system relies on thermosiphonic forces to circulate the hot water in the system and the cooling water is returned to the heat source by gravity.
  • 一个 forced system, where the hot water is circulated by a pump, then returned to the heat source.

Euro Plumbing specialise in two types of Central Heating systems commonly used in New Zealand

地暖中央供暖, 散热器中央供暖 以及这两个系统的组合,其中可以包括 组合锅炉 和热泵。Euro Plumbing 为奥克兰地区的众多品牌提供维修和保养服务。要预订中央供暖服务,请访问以下相关的中央供暖页面:散热器中央供暖系统服务或维修 BOOK HERE.
For an Underfloor Heating System service or repair BOOK HERE. If your system consists of both Radiator and Underfloor heating feel free to use any of the above booking methods and advise accordingly.Euro Plumbing are able to help with the following brand boilers, we generally recommend a yearly service to ensure your appliance is operating at ideal efficiencies and safety saving you considerable repair costs in the long run.APPLICABLE BRANDS AND MAKES, REPAIR AND SERVICING LPG AND NATURAL GAS

  • radiators_and_underfloor_heatingBosch system and condensing boilers
  • Vokera vision system and condensing boilers
  • Firebird diesel boilers
  • Fondital condensing boilers
  • Vaillant system and condensing boilers
  • Ferroli system and condensing boilers including commercial grade
  • All brands of multi fuel boilers
  • Baxi system and condensing boilers
  • Hydroflow Immergas condensing gas boilers
  • Keston gas condensing and system boilers
  • Floorad boilers, controls and manifold systems
  • Radtech central underfloor heating systems
  • Aquatherm gas central Heating boilers

Euro Plumbing offer yearly maintenance plans, for more information on our Central Heating repair services please call 0800 TEAM EURO or email us on heat@europlumbing.co.nz

请注意: In New Zealand central heating is not a regulated industry making it very difficult to find a qualified and experienced technician. Our technicians here at Euro Plumbing as EU trained and qualified, saving you money in the investigation and remedy process.



价格: $ 3400.00 包含 (GST incl) *适用条件 现在预订

  • 供应和安装
  • 欧盟高品质和 3 年保修
  • 重新接线继电器和恒温器的电气工作(限 1 小时)
  • 全面的系统服务(不包括此范围之外的缺陷元件的维修或更换)
  • 组合流量计和快速停止
  • 2x 1" 带垫圈的隔离球阀
  • 2 个带垫圈的组合隔离/排气和排水阀
  • 带隔音插件的镀锌支架
  • 标识电路的标签
  • 1x 平衡钥匙
  • 1 套固定螺丝
请注意,我们强烈建议对您的新歧管系统进行年度系统服务,以确保较长的使用寿命。 Euro Plumbing 提供维护计划。您可以在下面预订此类服务,或者请致电 0800 TEAM EURO 或联系我们 heat@europlumbing.co.nz


价格: $ 399.00 包含 (GST incl) *适用条件 现在预订

不小心撞到地暖管?不要恐慌! Euro Plumbing 开发了专门的技能来暴露和修复这些部分。
  • 混凝土切割和小心暴露
  • 排水系统和入口保护
  • 用专门的木匠修复损坏的部分
  • 电解保护
  • 再加压和调试
不包括系统服务,可以以 $149 的折扣价购买。 哪个液压系统? underfloor_heating_vs_radiators 对于那些用坚固的混凝土地板建造新家的人,您可以选择地板下和/或散热器。翻新时,地板下并不是一个真正可行的选择,因此您将看到散热器。两种系统都提供卓越的舒适度,但哪种系统最好?答案很简单:最适合您的家庭和生活方式的系统,
  • 这两个系统的安装成本相似,并且都为您的家提供非常相似的热特性,尽管地板下的脚是温暖的。
  • 地板下每小时运行的成本更低,但在整个冬季期间比散热器成本更高。这是因为地板下系统需要很长时间才能加热,因此在整个供暖季节 24/7 运行时效率更高,尽管在夜间或工作时温度降低了 4 度。另一方面,散热器的响应速度非常快,因此可以设置为仅在您需要热量时运行。
  • 对于典型的新西兰设计楼板,必须应用一些额外的设计因素以确保系统控制足够。良好的设计至关重要,我们可以提供详细的建议和设计帮助。
  • 散热器系统有时可能难以放置在开放式物业中,尤其是那些有大面积玻璃的物业。
  • 分体式系统,部分在地板下和部分散热器,通常在两层住宅和大面积开放式生活的住宅中提供最佳解决方案。一个设计糟糕的系统将花费更多的运行成本并导致一个无效的系统。
有关散热器系统的更多信息,请 按照这个链接 Euro Plumbing 提供多种系统的组合,为您提供世界上最好的系统,有关更多信息,请访问我们的 组合加热页



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    0800 团队欧元

    *在高峰时段报价可能需要长达 2 小时,更大的报价需要免费现场访问,您将通过电子邮件收到进度通知。


    问题?请致电 0800 TEAM EURO